The Intelligent, Compassionate Learning Community For Lesbians
Warmly welcoming all self-identified women and adjacent non-binary people who love women, or want to.
Help For Your Heart
Here's What You'll Get
When You Join As A Member
Meet More Of Our Members
Tiggy: I’m really grateful because Conscious Girlfriend came to me at a really low time… Becoming part of the group, I felt like I had community that was quality, working toward things I’m working toward, like becoming a conscious being, being the best person I can be for me, and showing up in relationships. It’s been really amazing, being part of a community I can grow in, and who are growing around me.
Michelle: I am a late in life, or at least coming out, lesbian. I was married to a man for 23 years, and that marriage resulted in three beautiful children… However, when that marriage ended in 2017, I came out, and I’ve been dating women since. And my current partner, I’ve been dating since October… and things are going very well. I attribute much of that to the skills I’ve learned through the Conscious Girlfriend Academy.
Jen: When I came into the Academy, I was such a wreck. I had ended a relationship a year earlier, and when I saw what this was about, I said, That’s a place I can go and heal… and get myself sorted, and stop repeating these patterns of getting in U-Hauls, and ending up in train wrecks. And when I started, I was amazed, I was like oh my God, where was this 30 years ago when I came out?! How different my life would have been!
Shirley: I’ve been a member of Conscious Girlfriend… four months now, and I’ve found my home. I was in a really deep dark depression, but after meeting everyone in the Elders Group, I truly came alive again… Then I became a Supporting [now Deep Dive] Member… you do so much introspection, you learn who you are, you accept what you want and what you don’t want, and I am absolutely hooked on Conscious Girlfriend.
Is Your Heart Worth It?
If you've been through a hard breakup or painful dating, you may be thinking, "Maybe I'm just not meant to have a relationship." Or, "When I meet the right person, it'll finally work."
Here in the Academy, we will empower you with the tools to recognize the right person, and to also be the person who can find, choose and create the happy, healthy love you want and deserve.
Shattering breakups, exhausting and expensive divorces, chemistry-laden soul connections that crash and burn... there is a better way, and you'll learn it here.
Most programs can't help lesbians much, because our dating and love are different. Few lesbian programs exist, and none have our basis in neuroscience, our depth, our heart, and our welcoming community. Try us, and you'll see why women from 25+ countries around the world say we've changed their lives.
Select Your Plan
Basic Membership
All Our Live Classes For A Year
Value: $2700
40+ On-Demand Classes
In The World's Biggest
Lesbian Love Resource Library
Value: $1999
Weekly Live Coach-Led
Skill-Building Sessions
Value: $2600
Save Over $5000 With Membership
Over 60? Get An Extra Bonus!
Weekly Conscious Lesbian Elders Group
Added Value: $1200
Deep-Dive Membership
All The Benefits Of Basic Membership ($6600 Value) PLUS
36 Live Group Coaching Sessions
With Academy Director
Ruth Schwartz
Value: $2700
The Full Archives!
Over 100 On-Demand Classes
Including Our Entire Lesbian Bed Life and Lesbian Attachment Healing Courses
Extra Value: $2800
TOTAL VALUE: $12,100
Save Over $10,000 With Membership
Start With A 30-Minute Strategy Session
For Just $49.
Get a half hour with our Outreach Director, Jen Solin, to learn how the Academy can support your lesbian heart.
Our Love Is Beautiful
Lesbians and queer women are courageous and powerful,
and relationships between women
can be the very best relationships on the planet.
You deserve happy, healthy love—and you can have it!
But because two women can bond so deeply and quickly,
our relationships can also go bad fast --
if you don't choose a partner wisely,
or don't have the skills to work through conflicts.
The Conscious Girlfriend Academy exists to help you learn how
to find the right partner -- and be the right partner, too.
If you are growth-oriented and motivated to learn,
we'll see you in class!
Frequently Asked Questions
If you're like many of our members, you have a deep longing for a healthy, loving, trust-filled, supportive and passionate relationship, yet you're not sure how to find the right partner.
In Academy classes you'll learn how to create a vision for your ideal relationship -- and build the skills to co-create your half of it. You'll learn how to date with clarity and confidence, how to recognize real compatibility (and not get fooled by chemistry or limerence, the "honeymoon stage"), how to communicate in ways that build emotional intimacy, and how to have a fulfilling sex life, whatever that means for you.
Joining the Academy is like getting a gym membership for your romantic life! It gives you the community support and consistent education and practice you need, to become able to have the love life you want.
And just like a gym membership, your best benefits will come through consistency. Many members continue to attend even once they are in relationships, because they find the Academy supports their love lives then, too.
Yes! We sell all of our four-week classes a la carte. We also offer the option for you to add on a month of membership when you buy a class a la carte, so you can check it out. But honestly, the most transformation happens for those who sign up to join us for a year, and we offer deep discounts and additional perks for yearly members.
The Academy exists to help you gain and integrate the knowledge and skills to change your love life forever. That's an incredibly important and achievable goal, but it usually takes more than just watching a few classes to make it happen. It takes ongoing mentorship, support and practice -- and that's what you'll get by becoming a member.
We recommend joining the Academy for a year because:
1) You get a big discount doing it that way.
2) Paying up front will motivate you to come to as many classes as you actually need, without having to second-guess yourself about each one. The per-class cost is incredibly low when you sign up for a year -- just like at a gym.
3) Getting to know other members will be a big help in creating the love life you actually want. It's hard to do alone, and much easier when you're connected to like-minded women on similar journeys. As an added bonus, many Academy members form deep friendships. And yes, a few have fallen in love :)
Some people have described the Academy as being "like therapy on steroids." While one-on-work work can be very valuable, it's entirely different to be in a group of like-minded women and non-binary people facing similar challenges. We hear over and over, "It helps so much to know I'm not alone." Plus, hearing other members describe your patterns -- or your partner's or ex's patterns -- brings whole new levels of insight.
There are tons of personal growth, dating and relationship healing programs out there, but almost none of them address the unique needs of lesbians and adjacent queer people. We are just like everyone else, but we are also different. Lesbians++ face particular challenges and opportunities in dating and love that are, quite frankly, very different from those faced by heterosexual people or gay men. The Academy is a unique international feel-tank and think-tank offering evidence-based tools... for us.
If you've done a lot of growth work already, you'll be right at home. Many of our members have done therapy, 12-step work, Landmark, and/or other types of spiritual and healing work. (Quite a few of our members are therapists, coaches, or healers themselves.) Other Academy members are newer to the personal growth journey. But all tend to share the motivation to get out of pain, and become able to have the dating and love lives they deeply want.
The other unique gift of the Academy is that in our weekly Skills Labs, you don't just get to learn, you get to actually practice what you learn. Role plays, anyone? Practice asking someone out... saying No... asking for what you want... sharing feelings in healthy ways... working with your own triggers... and much more, in supportive, compassionate, lesbian/queer community.
Yes! We've got Conscious Girlfriend Certified Coaches! Check them out here. CGA coaches have received the world's best training in the particular challenges of lesbian coming out, lesbian dating, lesbian relationships, lesbian attachment, lesbian sex and lesbian breakups -- and their support is very powerful. We absolutely recommend you work with one of them if you can, to accelerate your journey.
However, unless your money and time are unlimited, we strongly encourage you to join the Academy too. Our classes cover life-changing information in a more budget-friendly way, and give you the benefit of getting to actually hear from like-minded women++, develop community and practice skills, as well as get group coaching.
ome people think our prices are high because they have never seen a program like ours before (because, to our knowledge, one has never existed!) So it's hard to know exactly what to compare it to.
Other people think our prices are astonishingly low for what we offer:
It's far cheaper than individual therapy (though not a replacement for it.) It's also far cheaper than most breakups, much less most divorces. And, it's hard to put a price on $$ saved through lack of heartbreak.
Still, we know that some people who want this learning and support simply can't afford it. That's why we also offer many resources completely free.
Yes! We've offered a huge amount of scholarship aid during our first four years of existence. Here is our scholarship policy as of May 1:
BIPOC (lesbians and queer people who have lived experience as Black, Indigenous or People of Color, including Asian or Latinx), can get up to 75% off on our coach training programs, Basic and Deep-Dive Memberships. To apply, just write us at [email protected].
We are also glad to provide scholarship assistance to non-BIPOC people. To apply, please do the following:
Once we see that you are motivated and sincere, we'll gladly work with you to get you into our programs.
The happy, healthy relationship you want is possible.
It just takes learning how.
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