The Intelligent, Compassionate Learning Community For Lesbians++
Welcoming all self-identified women and adjacent non-binary people who love women or want to.
We've got the world's biggest collection of classes on lesbian and queer
dating, relationships, sexuality and gender!
You can purchase individual sets of classes by topic, but honestly, it's a much better deal to
become a member and access all of our recorded classes for one monthly fee --
plus attend live events, too!
If you've struggled to have the lesbian dating and love life you want,
it's not your fault. No one taught you this stuff in school!
But that's about to change. The learning you need is here.
Core Classes
Accessible For Our Basic Membership
Recordings from the last live version of the 12-Week Roadmap to Conscious Lesbian Dating & Lasting Love class ($597 value)
Recordings from the live version of the 6-Week Lesbian Erotic Liberation class ($297 value)
Over 40 topical classes on lesbian dating and love, including Wise Lesbian Dating, Chemistry vs. Compatibility, Five Keys To Finding and Being the Right Partner, Communication for Emotional Intimacy, Overcoming Defensiveness, Emotional Intelligence, and much more! ($999 value)
Supporting Classes
Available Free With Deep Dive Membership
All the Core Classes accessible to Basic members
Recordings from the last live version of the 12-week Find True Love Online class ($597 value)
Recordings from the 8-session Lesbian Bed Life Class, including Oral Sex & Energy Sex, Gender, Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Queer Sexuality & Kink, Five Steps to a Great Sexual Experience, and more. $249 value.
Recordings from the 6-week Coming Out & Coming Home class ($249 value.)
Lesbian Dating Classes
Lesbians are notoriously bad at dating. You're not alone.
And We've Got You Covered.
Dating: Red, Green
and Yellow Flags
Learn why sometimes a red flag can turn yellow or even green -- but sometimes a green flag can change color, too.
Gain the clarity to listen to your intuition, assess someone new, and also stay curious and open.
90-Minute Video Class
Lesbian Dating
Deep Dive
How to know if you're actually ready to date, and what to do if you're not -- or if she's not.
Learn how to build a solid foundation whether you're local or long-distance, and what "friends first" and compatibility really mean.
And, just for fun, learn how to flirt, too...without committing!
90-Minute Video Class
Wise Lesbian Dating Fundamentals
You've been around the block and you're ready to learn to do this thing differently -- but where do you begin? What does it even mean to "date," vs. just dive in?
Learn what to do when you feel a spark, and also when you don't, so you can actually find long-term love.
90-Minute Video Class
Releasing Blocks
to Love
Why sometimes that 67-point checklist actually keeps you from love -- and how to focus on what really matters in seeking a partner.
Learn how to become someone who actually finds love, rather than keeps on looking.
90-Minute Video Class
Conscious Connection & Dating
Learn how to make every date a good date while also dating with a clear vision -- and learn when and how to discuss that vision without scaring someone off.
Strengthen your ability to be yourself on dates, while also gaining key information about compatibility.
90-Minute Video Class
Anatomy of A Lesbian Heartbreak
The truth about why so many relationships start out amazing, yet fall apart in less than a year -- and how to prevent this heartbreak.
Learn how to stop getting derailed by a sense of scarcity, or attractions to women who aren't good for you.
90-Minute Video Class
True Compatibility
Compatibility is key to a long-term relationship, but it's not intuitive. Learn the most important factor (which probably isn't even on your radar!)
Do you ever want different, contradictory things? Learn how to become more compatible with yourself, so you can find a love that works for the complex being you are.
90-Minute Video Class
Preparing For A Healthy Relationship
Are you stuck in old stories or unrealistic fantasies about love? Learn how to create a nuanced and updated vision for the relationship you want.
Build the skills and develop the mindset for a happy, lasting intimate relationship -- before you find her!
90-Minute Video Class
Rewrite Your
Relationship Scripts
Do you have painful patterns you replay again and again, like trying to "rescue" women who need help, falling for unavailable women, or over-giving and then feeling resentful?
Learn what it really takes to transform these dysfunctional "scripts," and create the new reality you truly want.
90-Minute Video Class
Emotional Literacy and Intelligence
Emotions have a life cycle. Learn how to let them move through you, rather than getting stuck.
Discover how surprisingly simple it can be to just be with emotions in transformational ways, and what a difference that can make in your relationship life.
90-Minute Video Class
Are you hard on yourself, struggling with your inner critic, or maybe even "your own worst enemy" sometimes?
Learn how to rewire your brain toward more self-compassion, even if that feels impossible right now. (You really can do it! And it will make a huge difference in your relationships.)
90-Minute Video Class
Five Keys to Finding and Being The Right Partner
Learn what really keeps women single when you don't want to be, and why you may be blocking love from coming your way.
Discover what really matters most in a love relationship, and how to open to it.
90-Minute Video Class
Get All 12 Dating Classes For Just $249
Or save money by becoming a Deep Dive Member for $1997/year and getting access to our entire archives and access to 36 deep dive group coaching sessions with Ruth in a year.
No-Risk Guarantee
You can cancel your membership at any time, but we go a big step further in removing your risk! Here is our policy.
1. After you join the Academy, just watch at least three of our recorded classes within the first 30 days.
2. Take notes! If you don't feel you got the value you paid for, just send us a detailed critique of where we fell short.
3. We'll happily refund 100% of your money.
Love & Relationship Skills
How to Be A Relationship Master, Not Disaster :)
Gottman relationship research has identified the key skills that make relationships last -- and they're all learnable! Master the 5:1 ratio, the “soft start,” and how to avoid the Four Horsemen of the Relationship Apocalypse.
90-Minute Video Class
The Art of Giving And Receiving
Do you sometimes give too much and then feel depleted, frustrated or resentful that you're not getting enough back?
Learn how to ask for what you want in ways that make you more likely to get it, and give only what you truly want to give.
90-Minute Video Class
The Art and Science of Boundaries and Requests
How to make your requests specific, flexible and actionable enough that the other person wants to meet them.
How to make your "No" compassionate and responsive, so you can remain connected while setting boundaries.
90-Minute Video Class
Power Tools
Do you sometimes hear yourself speaking harshly and then regretting it later -- or else staying quiet because you don't trust yourself to speak without starting a fight?
Stop triggers from getting in your way, so your communication can actually serve your emotional intimacy.
90-Minute Video Class
Healing Push-Pull Relationship Dynamics
Is your girlfriend pushing you for more closeness, getting hurt, angry and jealous a lot -- or backing away, shutting down, and insisting on more space?
Learn the attachment style differences at the root of this problem, and gain the skills to heal this dynamic so it doesn't have to tear your relationship apart.
90-Minute Video Class
Overcoming Defensiveness
Do you get defensive when your GF complains, or maybe even hear criticism when it's not there?
Learn why defensiveness is such a reflex, why it causes problems, and how to overcome it so the two of you can get close again.
90-Minute Video Class
Transformational Acceptance & Empathy
You want to be seen, heard, and loved the way you are, right? And so does she.
Learn how to cultivate and express true acceptance and empathy, and how this energy can transform your relationship.
90-Minute Video Class
Building Emotional Intimacy
Real emotional intimacy takes specific skills to build. Learn how to give and receive the quality of presence that lets you really know the woman you love, and be known by her.
Learn how to soften your armor and create true connection.
90-Minute Video Class
Connection-Building Conversations
Learn the fine art of having conversations that go deep, and bring you closer to friends and/or a partner.
Develop the listening skills that really help someone feel heard and cared-about, so you can open up to each other in healthy ways.
90-Minute Video Class
Relationship Repair Toolkit
You want to be seen, heard, and loved the way you are, right? And so does she.
Learn how to cultivate and express true acceptance and empathy, and how this energy can transform your relationship.
90-Minute Video Class
Speak & Be Heard, Listen & Connect
Learn what you've been doing wrong in communication, and how to do it right so you can build and maintain emotional intimacy. Get heard, and hear the one you love, when it really matters. One of our most powerful classes!
90-Minute Video Class
SCORE: The Five-Step Process For Healing Conflict At Its Source
Fights happen because we get triggered -- and no matter how hard you try, you can't make peace from a triggered state.
Learn how to shift out of your triggered mind and actually have healing conversations instead of fights!
90-Minute Video Class
Building Emotional
Do you ever wish the emotional part of relationships could just be easier?
Make your relationships easier and happier by learning how to work with your emotions effectively.
90-Minute Video Class
Emotional Self-Awareness and Empathy
Understand the key difference between empathizing with someone's experience, vs. colluding with her story (one creates intimacy, the other keeps you stuck.)
90-Minute Video Class
Create A Relationship That Truly Fits You
You don't need to give yourself up for love!
Learn how to identify a relationship model and approach that truly works for your stage of life, needs and priorities.
90-Minute Video Class
Cultivating Vulnerability To Increase Connection
Most of us long for closeness, yet we struggle to do the one thing that makes it possible. Learn the difference between self-disclosure and true vulnerability, and how to safely open to more connection.
90-Minute Video Class
Healthy Lesbian Relationship Fundamentals
There are key steps to take to keep your relationship strong, and stop intimacy-killing habits from getting in the way! Learn how to stay connected and keep the love energy flowing.
90-Minute Video Class
Understanding and Healing Your Attachment Style
Your attachment style was formed in childhood, but it's responsible for most of the relationship challenges you face today. Learn how to understand your brain's default intimacy blueprint and how to make it healthy!
90-Minute Video Class
Navigating Differences Consciously
Whether your relationship is interracial, or you're of different ages or backgrounds or social classes or ability levels, learn how your differences can enrich your connection.
90-Minute Video Class
Healthy Closeness, Healthy Distance
What are your favorite forms of connection? What kinds of autonomy help you thrive? Learn how to navigate both closeness and distance to keep your relationship strong.
90-Minute Video Class
Yep, There's A Lot To Learn.
And You're Worth It.
Get All 21 Relationship Classes For Just $399
Or save money by becoming a Deep Dive Member for just $1999/year and getting access to our entire archives and 36 deep dive group coaching live sessions with Ruth.
Lesbian Bed Life
Intelligent, Compassionate, Frank and Empowering Support For Your Lesbian or Queer Erotic Life.
Bedroom Communication
The secret to being able to rock each other's worlds in bed is right here, in these empowering sexual communication tools!
Stop being held back by common barriers to making requests, giving and hearing feedback in bed, so both of you can get more fulfilled.
Female Sexual Anatomy of Pleasure/How to Make Love to a Woman
It's not just about the clitoris and the G-spot! Did you know there's an A-spot and a P-spot, too? Learn how amazing female bodies are, and how to maximize your own or a GF's pleasure.
90-Minute Video Class
Oral Sex & Energy Sex
One of our all-time best sellers, this class is a must-watch whether you're newly out or a lifelong lesbian! Viewers call it liberating and life-changing. Learn how to experience and give more pleasure and share the power of sexual energy, too.
Solo Sexual Enlivenment
Erotic energy is life energy, and with or without a partner, it's yours to revel in, cultivate and draw power from.
Learn how to enliven yourself sexually in ways that go far beyond your usual forms of "self pleasure," and how this can improve your life.
90-Minute Video Class
Understanding & Embracing Your Erotic Self
It's not easy to know what you want, ask for it, feel good about your fantasies, and feel like a good lover, too, in our misogynist and homophobic world. But this class will inform and empower you!
90-Minute Video Class
Healing Internalized Homophobia
This class will support you to release the toxic imprint of homophobia. Learn how to more fully celebrate and inhabit your lesbian or queer self, and the beauty of your sexuality and life.
90-Minute Video Class
Sexual Energy & Energetic Sexuality
Learn why cultivating your sexual energy is within your power and the most likely way to become magnetic to women, rather than getting "friend-zoned."
Discover how full-body orgasms and other forms of energy sex can be accessible to you!
90-Minute Video Class
Embracing Sexual and Gender Complexity
Lesbian/queer gender expression can be wonderfully complex! Join us for an affirming and illuminating class.
Learn how sexual and/or gender fluidity can be a gift and source of richness in your life.
90-Minute Video Class
Let's Talk About Gender
Which form(s) of gender expression feel most like you to you? Butch, femme, genderqueer, androgynous, all or none of the above?
Learn how to better understand queer gender in our community, and how to more fully embrace your own unique gender.
90-Minute Video Class
Sacred Sexuality
Learn how the sexual and spiritual aspects of your life can be deeply entwined, and how to cultivate erotic energy as part of a sacred path of opening and transformation.
Discover how your body can be a portal to the divine.
90-Minute Video Class
Releasing Blocks to Full Erotic Aliveness
Erotic aliveness is your birthright, but so many forces have probably blocked you from knowing or embracing your true sexual power, energy and turn-ons.
Learn how to release your erotic blocks and expand into the fullness of your sexual self.
90-Minute Video Class
Conscious Queer Sexuality & Kink
Learn how the kink community's emphasis on consent can transform your sex life, whether or not you're "kinky."
Discover more about what kink truly is, and why it's a path of healing and freedom for many in the queer community and beyond.
90-Minute Video Class
Intelligent, Compassionate, Frank and Empowering Support For Your Lesbian Relationship Life.
Coming Out & Coming Home (6-Week Intensive)
Coming out is always a journey, but coming out later in life can be even more challenging. This class takes the aloneness away! With heart-stirring frankness, our participants share their vulnerable passages to help you with your own. Learn how to better understand your sexuality, navigate difficult conversations, and feel at ease with lesbian dating and even sex. Welcome home!
Six-part series available a la carte & on demand!
Get Your Life Back After A Toxic Lesbian Relationship (7-Week Intensive)
When your relationship was toxic, or the breakup turned toxic, it's shattering, and makes it even harder to let go, or even make sense of what happened. Instead, you might get stuck endlessly replaying conversations in your head, wondering what you could have done differently, wanting her back even when you know she was bad for you, or trying to get her to change. This course is the alternative: your path to getting free and getting your life back.
Seven-part series available a la carte & on demand!
Lesbian Dating Boot Camp (12-Week Intensive)
Intensive training to get you ready for skillful, smart-for-your-heart lesbian dating, even if you've never dated, or never dated women, before! Build your resilience, clarify your vision, practice key conversations, recognize red flags, get clear on what you offer and seek, create an authentic and inviting online profile, and learn to listen to all parts of yourself, including your inner wisdom, to keep you on track.
Twelve-part recorded series available
Lesbian Dating & Love Over 60+ (4-Week Intensive)
Lesbians over 60 are better prepared than ever to have the best relationships of our lives -- but there are some barriers that stop us. This class breaks down those barriers to build your confidence, get you ready, and help you find her.
Four-part recorded series available a la carte
Lesbian Attachment Healing Intensive
(4-Week Intensive)
Many participants say this was our most impactful class ever! Learn why so much of what goes wrong in relationships can be traced back to colliding attachment states, and how to navigate those states skillfully. Attachment healing will help you get out of pain, stop hurting the one you love, bring empathy and curiosity to your most painful triggers, and save any relationship worth saving.
Four-part video recorded series available a la carte
Lesbian Communication for Emotional Intimacy
(3-Week Intensive)
Mainstream communication classes don't touch the specific issues we lesbians run into when our communication matters most. Learn how to stop hurting the woman you love, and stop getting hurt yourself. It's not just about what you say and how you listen, but even more importantly, what you do ahead of time that makes all the difference. Communication can build intimacy, not destroy it. Learn how to get there in this class.
Three-part recorded series available a la carte
Lesbian Heartbreak Healing
(4-Week Intensive)
Lesbian breakups can be among the most painful experiences on the planet. Learn how to finally understand what happened, forgive yourself, harvest the learning and gifts for you in this loss, and let go so you can reclaim your life.
4-part recorded video series available a la carte
Or save money by becoming a Deep Dive Member for just $1997/year and getting access to our entire archives and 36 deep dive live coaching group sessions with Ruth.
No-Risk Guarantee
You can cancel your membership at any time, but we go a big step further in removing your risk! Here is our policy.
1. After you join the Academy, just watch at least three of our recorded classes within the first 30 days.
2. Take notes! If you don't feel you got the value you paid for, just send us a detailed critique of where we fell short.
3. We'll happily refund 100% of your money.
Breakup Recovery
Support For Healing And Reclaiming Your Life
Conscious Uncoupling (Even By Yourself)
The end of a relationship is never easy. But whether you do it alone or together, a conscious uncoupling process can make a huge difference in helping you move forward.
90-Minute Video Class
Making Peace
With The Past
This class will help you finally move on by reaching true understanding of what happened in past relationships, and helping you cultivate compassion and forgiveness for yourself.
90-Minute Video Class
Surviving and Thriving After a Lesbian Breakup
Lesbian breakups can be among the most painful experiences on earth. Get through the pain faster with the help of this class.
Don't stay stuck, and don't keep re-traumatizing yourself. Instead, learn how to actually heal.
90-Minute Video Class
Become a Deep Dive Member for just $1997/year* and get access to all our breakup support and everything else we offer.
*We have a 3-month payment plan available! Just email us at [email protected]
Attachment Healing
If You Haven't Heard Of Attachment Styles,
And Why They Matter So Much...
Healing Push-Pull Relationship Dynamics
Is your girlfriend pushing you for more closeness, getting hurt, angry and jealous a lot -- or backing away, shutting down, and insisting on more space?
Learn the attachment style differences at the root of this problem, and gain the skills to heal this dynamic so it doesn't have to tear your relationship apart.
90-Minute Video Class
Attachment Healing Intensive
If you've ever hit really painful struggles in a relationship -- challenges you just couldn't resolve no matter how hard you tried -- it's likely that attachment was at the root of the conflict. Watch the free overview video here to learn more.
Understanding and Healing Your Attachment Style
Learn what's really at the root of your hardest relationship problems, and how to work with it.
Develop more ease-filled, trusting, harmonious connection as you build secure attachment.
90-Minute Video Class
As you've noticed, most of our recordings are available only to Academy members.
This is because we've found that only membership offers the transformation women++ seek.
Free Classes
Gifts to support the dating, love and sex you want!
Lesbian Dating Essentials
Hosted by HelloRevel, the community for women over 40.
A fun, frank and extremely informative conversation about lesbian dating -- including why women go so fast, what to do when you don't feel a spark OR when you're falling hard.
Dating & Love After Trauma
All LGBTQ people are trauma survivors just by virtue of having grown up in a world that doesn't affirm our love. And many of us have lived through other kinds of trauma, too. Learn how that can impact your ability to find the love you want -- and how to empower yourself to heal.
Lesbian/Queer Gender:
Butch, Femme, Non-Binary
& Beyond
Join us for an expansive, emotional, illuminating and healing exploration of how each one of us experiences our unique gender. A "fireside chat" between Conscious Girlfriend Academy Director Ruth Schwartz and queer thought leader Zef, with moving community contributions.
The Online Dating Profile That Will Attract Ms. Right
You like to laugh, go out to eat and walk on the beach? Join the club! You're unlikely to succeed at online dating with that profile. Learn how to write an online dating profile that is so authentic and inviting that your true love will actually recognize you!
Lesbian Sex 101:
Your Pleasure Matters!
All women who love women, or want to, deserve to have great sex. So how can you get there? Join 260+ women for a lively, frank, empowering conversation. Hosted by HelloRevel, the community for women over 40.
Find True Love in 2022!
Hosted by Jody from So Many Women, So Little Time
She is out there -- and you can find her! But there may be some blocks to clear up inside yourself first. Learn why true love is worth it, how to prepare yourself, how to access its full healing capacity -- and yes, how to find the woman of your dreams.
Why Join The
Conscious Girlfriend Academy?
Because Your Heart is Worth It.
Lesbians and queer women are courageous and powerful,
and relationships between women can be the very best
relationships on the planet.
You deserve happy, healthy love -- and you can have it.
But because two women can bond so deeply and quickly,
and no one ever taught you how to date wisely,
and Hollywood made you think that chemistry was enough,
you've probably had relationships go painfully bad.
Maybe over and over again.
You are not alone. And this can change.
Does this sound like you?
You're smart, thoughtful, and willing to work hard.
You've probably done various kinds of healing, therapy,
12-step work, meditation, or other spiritual work.
Intimate relationships are the final frontier,
and you need a roadmap so that you're not just
working hard, you're working smart.
That's what the Academy will give you.
All self-identified women who love women, or want to, are welcome, as are non-binary folx who feel at home in primarily lesbian spaces.
The Conscious Girlfriend Academy exists to support
women who value growth, and are willing to take action
to learn how to be the right partner, as well as find her.
If that sounds like you, we'll see you in class!
© 2024 Copyright Conscious Girlfriend. All Rights Reserved.