Conscious Girlfriend has been featured in:
The Intelligent, Compassionate Learning Community
For Lesbians Who Value Conscious Love
Are you ready to find the right partner -- and be the right partner?
Join the Academy and get the Roadmap you need.
"What a blessing the Academy has been in my life. I feel like I have really transformed
over the last year into the person I've always wanted to be -- which is also
making it possible to have the love I've always wanted to have." – S.C., age 66
Why Join The
Conscious Girlfriend Academy?
Because Your Heart is Worth It.
Lesbians and queer women are courageous and powerful,
and relationships between women can be the very best
relationships on the planet.
You deserve happy, healthy love -- and you can have it.
But because two women can bond so deeply and quickly,
and no one ever taught you how to date wisely,
and Hollywood made you think that chemistry was enough,
you've probably had relationships go painfully bad.
Maybe over and over again.
You are not alone. And this can change.
Does this sound like you?
You're smart, thoughtful, and willing to work hard.
You've probably done various kinds of healing, therapy,
12-step work, meditation, or other spiritual work.
Intimate relationships are the final frontier,
and you need a roadmap so that you're not just
working hard, you're working smart.
That's what the Academy will give you.
All self-identified women who love women, or want to, are welcome, as are non-binary folx who feel at home in primarily lesbian spaces.
The Conscious Girlfriend Academy exists to support
women who value growth, and are willing to take action
to learn how to be the right partner, as well as find her.
If that sounds like you, we'll see you in class!
Choose your membership plan below --
and change your paradigm, your possibilities, and your life.
Community Memberships Include:
❤ Access to over 75 recorded classes in our member portal, covering all aspects of conscious lesbian dating and relationships. Watch on your own time.
❤ The Roadmap to Conscious Lesbian Dating & Lasting Love, Conscious Girlfriend's signature 12-module course that has changed lives in 25 countries. Each week for 12 weeks, you'll receive access to a new module in the member portal. At certain times of year we also offer this class LIVE!
❤ Weekly live Roadmap Connection gatherings. We gather live each week to discuss and explore the Roadmap material, and help you integrate it more deeply. These events are strong friendship and community builders, too!
❤ Discounted or free admission to other programs like our comprehensive 12-week Find True Love Online class (Community Members receive 50% off) and our groundbreaking 6-week Lesbian++ Erotic Liberation class (Community Members come free!)
Supporting Memberships Include All Of The Above, Plus:
❤ Monthly intimate group coaching sessions with Academy director Ruth Schwartz. Ruth no longer sees
clients one on one, so this is the only way to get her coaching.
❤ Free entry to Find True Love Online live classes and other special live classes with Academy Director Ruth Schwartz.
❤ Free entry to other special live classes with guest instructors.D
Have more? Pay more.
Have less? Pay less.
We aim to make Conscious Girlfriend accessible to all.
Please write us here to offer an additional donation or inquire about a partial scholarship for Community-level access (click here).
Visitor Pass
Want to check if the Academy suits you? Take a one-time visitor pass and join us in one of our Tuesday Roadmap Connection Group classes found on our Schedule Page (click here), and sign up.
Community Member
Save $491 when you pay
for the year.
Only $58/month!
Becoming a Community Member saves you hundreds of dollars, plus gives you the opportunity to learn and integrate more.
Supporting Member
Save $691 when you pay for
the year.
Only $91/month!
Supporting Membership includes ALL of the benefits of Community Membership, PLUS:
1. Monthly 2-hour intimate group coaching call with Academy Director Ruth Schwartz (Priceless)
2. Free admission to the Live Roadmap class ($597 value)
3. Free admission to Dating Salons ($25-75 value per month)
4. Free admission to à la carte classes with guest teachers ($25-75 value per month)
5. With yearly membership only: Free admission to Find True Love Online ($597 value)
Becoming a Supporting Member is the only way to access intimate small-group coaching with Academy Director Ruth Schwartz, plus saves you hundreds of dollars on entry fees to other class.
Answers To Common Questions About Academy Membership
How old are most class participants?
Conscious Girlfriend class participants have ranged in age from 21 to 82. Our largest number of participants tend to be in their 50s, 60s and 70s. It is never too late, or too early, for healthy love.
What if I'm not sure I'm ready for a relationship?
It's wise not to date before you're ready. Academy classes can help you see what you need to do to get ready, and make profound shifts toward what you want next in love.
What if I want a non-traditional relationship?
Academy classes will help you clearly define exactly what you want and need in true love, and stand strong in your vision. Whatever that vision is, you will be warmly supported!
How much time will Academy membership take?
You can pace your own experience, since you have access to the archives of past class recordings to watch on your own time. Most members find that weekly Roadmap Connection groups are a great way to go deeper with the material, and also make friends and build community. But if they don't fit your schedule (or even if they do), you can also form a Roadmap buddy group with other members. If you're looking for real transformation, we recommend you allocate at least 3 hours per week to the process. It's the best investment in your happiness you can make.
What if I've never had a relationship with a woman?
If you are a self-identified woman who loves women, or wants to, you are welcome! Classes include lifelong lesbians, women who are just coming out, women who identify as bisexual or pansexual, and non-binary folx comfortable with lesbian culture, too.
Which Academy membership should I choose?
Annual Supporting Membership offers the best value, since it gives you access to every Conscious Girlfriend offering free, plus monthly live coaching with Academy director Ruth Schwartz. Ruth no longer sees private coaching clients, so this is your only chance to work with her.
Will the Academy work for me? Will I fit in?
We are a warm-hearted and embracing community founded on consciousness and compassion, and our work is based on science, psychology and evidence-based relationship research.
Many members say they've never felt so at home anywhere, and we hope your experience will match theirs! Members are diverse in many ways, but share a love for women and a desire to grow.
Conscious Girlfriend has been featured in:
Hear From Our Members And Students!
Full names used by permission. In other cases, names, initials and/or ages have been changed to protect confidentiality.
My partner and I were just reflecting on the early days of our relationship and how meaningful and helpful it was that I was taking part in your 12-week roadmap workshop. The worksheets, questions, meditations, and exercises truly invited greater intimacy and clarity, inviting us to have rich and meaningful conversations and explorations... I wanted to share our joy that she and I became domestic partners at the end of last year and are now planning our wedding. I always dreamed of a love like this but never realized the work I needed to do to become the partner I could be to attract and nourish such a beautiful, fulfilling and healthy relationship. – F.Z., age 55
Thank you so much for continuing to impart your wisdom to help women who love women find the love and connection we deserve. I will be forever grateful to you for helping me learn how to navigate the ups and downs in relationships, since it led me to finding the great love and connection my partner Maria & I share. This year, we will celebrate 4 years together!!! – Mary Guiliani
Thanks for the event today. You made it SUPER easy to navigate meeting people in today's dating event. Also, I love the women who are attracted to the work you do. I feel like I've finally found my tribe. – J.L.
When I count my blessings of this past year, you dear Ruth and CGA are at the top of the list. You have made an enormous difference in my life, and I am very, very grateful for all you offer and providing to create more love in the world, in our Lesbian world, and in our hearts. – N.S., age 73
The class was fantastic! Another great benefit is that I made a couple of friends–what a bonus! I’ve been connecting with one of them every week, and I’m super enjoying the other one, too. You can quote me on anything I shared about the class 😊 I’ll miss it so much and, of course, seeing you every week. Again, I want to recognize you for how present and delightful you were (especially when you talked about your GF!) You model more grace and humility than any teacher I’ve ever had! – M.M., age 66
I want you to know how very special you and these classes feel to me. It's a sudden blast of Hope...could it maybe be possible that I could have Love and movement and shared Energy and Pleasure and who knows... Seems so unlikely, but these classes spark a whole other thing... (What is that saying? Where you put your attention is where the energy goes...) — Nancy, age 78
Liz and I are doing great (will be getting engaged next year), and we owe a lot of it to you. The class helped tremendously. We know what to do when we're triggered now, and it's such a relief. It's really been game-changing. – Cassie, age 29
Ruth, what you offer, teach, demonstrate, share in CGA and your guidance has truly changed my life. I bless the day I found your ad in the Lesbian Connection, dived right in and have never looked back. There are few people in life that are capable of having such a positive, deep and life-changing influence. I treasure and cherish you and all the wisdom, knowledge, support ......and so much more that you offer, to me personally and the Lesbian community in general. It truly cannot be found anywhere else. – C.S., age 73
I'm now in a wonderful, glorious and delicious relationship - there is no struggle, no nervousness - just being ourselves - and we love what we see. Met thru Match! Thanks for all your assistance thru the years. – RS, age 72
Thank you for your amazing body of work and what you bring to the community. Today was an awesome class… Really great information and well led. – L.S., age 50
Before I took this class, I truly believed I would never be able to find a partner who is both deeply passionate about their spiritual path and also about their sexual desires. Because of the time with Ruth and the others in the class, as well as exploring the outstanding homework questions, I have been able to fully embrace both of these as qualities and traits I must have in my next partner. Ruth took away the mystery and dread of the online dating process and gave me tools to use in getting to know women, as well as how to have more resiliency and appropriate boundaries when it isn’t a relationship I’d like to pursue. I found the quality of women in the class to be very high, and the laughter, vulnerability, curiosity and wisdom were all deeply appreciated. I learned so much, but know there’s more to process and take in, so I am very much looking forward to taking this course again. Thank you, Ruth, for the gift of ease and anticipation that I will find the process of online dating to be easier than expected. — Helen
The Roadmap Journey....WOW!! LIstening to your coaching video from week #3 was very helpful in many ways. It's been a real pleasure and enormous help being part of CGA, doing the work, even in the short time I have been a member. Your focus, empathy, clarity, classes, The Roadmap, and the CGA community are bringing me closer to being who I wish to be, and to live the life I yearn for. – S.C., age 68
The program was amazing! It really helped me to own my sexual identity and feel less self-conscious and embarrassed about coming out in my fifties. It was refreshing and comforting to meet others in the same boat. The ladies in the academy are wonderful… many possibilities to make friends. Thank you so much for supporting me on this journey. I will definitely recommend it to others. – Sonia, age 52
I can honestly say I couldn't be happier because I have never been this happy before. My new GF and I have our challenges here and there, but those become opportunities to take pause with each other in order to learn and grow and arrive at a deeper level of connection. No fights, tension, stress... You know, the CG promise. So this is not a goodbye because I will always be a grateful and devout follower of what I gained through you, CG and its community. I am living proof that when I got myself good and ready, there she was. For me, CG was not only a roadmap; it is my treasure map! I am sincerely grateful. – Becky, age 64
I wanted to ask how do I thank you? I am single again, but I feel so much growth in my identity, outlook, confidence, progress with my family, surety that I can have healthy long term connections, so I feel like I “won.” – Jorie, age 29
I cannot express how valuable the Roadmap class was to me and for all I have continued to learn through The Academy and all the wonderful and beautiful women I have met there. My 2 very good friends have noticed and made wonderful comments to me regarding how much they can tell that I have grown over the past several months. I am so happy that I have the skills to be able to put to use when needed! – Denise, age 67
I want to say thank you for creating the Conscious Girlfriend community. It truly is a beautiful, safe, and revolutionary space. And, as you know, it is a much-needed space. For even as laws change and public acceptance shifts, we are far from a world of full love and acceptance, both externally and internally. So I thank you sincerely for having both the wisdom and vision for such a space, and then carrying it through into existence. It was and is a truly brave, revolutionary, and life-saving thing to do. – Elizabeth, age 41
The class on emotional literacy is CHANGING-MY-LIFE. I've been doing this work for a long time now, but seeing it in action, with you and the beautiful souls who volunteered, was heartwarming, and I learned so, SO much. I'm totally a "fixer" (read: making it all about me) and since knowing this and having different options, learned in your class, I've had totally different conversations with people, holding space and actually connecting. Also, when things go “wrong” I now finally see what's going wrong and why. SO thank you, again. – Lisa, age 34
Academy journeying is quite amazing. Much gratitude for encouraging me to share vulnerability at Saturday's class. I felt supported and deeply connected to the process - whew!!! Thank you again, Ruth, for all that you are doing for us in connecting and nurturing us soulfully in our community. It has meant so much to me and to so many others, I know for sure. – Andrea, age 70
I really enjoyed the class and connecting with other women from all over. One of my favorite moments (there were several), was when we all unmuted and chanted the meta mantra. To hear 101 women asking for the same thing touched my very soul and made me cry grateful tears. To know I am not alone, that I am not irreversibly broken, to chant the same prayer as many others, made me feel eternally connected. Thank you for helping others. This is such a lovely gift to the world. – Dianne, age 56
Wow! What an amazing lineup of classes today. I am absolutely loving the academy. I went to both classes and my heart is so full. I had a short call with my ex tonight and had to “attend” to myself and my feelings, I’m already using what I’m learning. I’m going to the book study tomorrow night and had a call with someone discussing our homework. What a beautiful community. I love learning. – Rita, age 60
While I had a wonderful romance and the sex was great with my ex, the classes are teaching me that there is so much more! At first, I was put off by so many offerings in this area, but I am becoming more curious as we go. I am almost 64, and I am learning that there is so much more to my sexuality. It is an edge for me. I believe my initial resistance to the classes and groups was rooted in shame and fear. My point is that I am in the right place at the right time! Know that I appreciate you so much and am blessed that you are in my life! – Mary, age 63
The content and community you provide is/are INCREDIBLE. I've learned so much and felt so mirrored and seen in both the call with Max and Kat. Heartwarming, liberating, grounding. Couldn't make it last night, but can't WAIT for the recording of that one as well. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this academy. It's changing my life. – Nia, age 49
First, I want to say how nice it was to see just you (Ruth) last night for the group. While I am enjoying the guest faculty, there is a certain vibe in the group when it is just you! I hope you take that as a high compliment! I also appreciated the subject and that it was a smaller, more intimate group. – Darlene, age 66
First, I want to say thank you for creating such an amazingly comfortable space for women to grow in Consciousness. I have had your book since coming out three years ago and am just now diving into it. That is how I was led to this member site, which is phenomenal. Question: As you can see below, I joined at the full membership level but after attending one class, one connection group and the book study last night, I’d like to pay the additional money and up it to the advanced academy that will include coaching! – Carrie, age 52
First, I want to share I have thoroughly enjoyed the material you presented. Your knowledge, authenticity and calm manner create a wonderful learning environment, Ruth. Matter of fact, the script you presented about asking to get to know someone has worked well. I feel like I was given permission to be direct. It brought forth an open discussion. It didn't produce the result I had hoped for, which was sad but also okay and freeing at the same time. All is good! Thank you for being you and for doing your part in creating an emotionally intelligent lesbian community. – Chrystal, age 49
Your Academy has enriched my life. My potential partner and I attended last night's class, which sparked a rich, deep, loving and beautiful conversation between us. Thank you for being a part of cultivating our love. We both have demanding schedules but plan on furthering and enriching ourselves by exploring many more of your classes, books and offerings through your other associates.– Jane and Cindy
I think all that you’ve put together in classes and connections to the Academy is phenomenal! I feel these kinds of conversations, connections, and information are so needed. I’ve joined two connection groups so far and have been impressed with people’s openness and generosity of spirit. I really like having breakout groups. Being on the shy side, it makes me feel more comfortable talking, and I like getting to know others more deeply. – Rita, age 60
I am happy to have found the CG community. The wealth of spirit and love you are modeling and sharing with us is quite something! Thank you so much for this beautiful gift of connection we are experiencing together! – Dorothy, age 52
The Academy has been amazing. I have been listening to the meditation and attachment audios and I have tapped into some of my stories and how I can heal. I am grateful for your kindness, open heart, guidance and great wisdom! I am looking forward to more experiences with this forum. – Zee, age 53
I was skeptical about the call last night - but really appreciated your skilled facilitation + conversations in the breakout groups. Another reminder to keep taking risks! – Nina, age 70
Just wanted to say thank you so much for all this wonderful community building! Peace and gratitude to you.– Lynn, age 65
I nominate you for the Lesbian Dating and Love Nobel Peace Prize!!! 😊 – Dina, age 59
I am writing to send some love your way. It is a privilege to be a part of this community. I am experiencing new growth and change in my life this season, and my experiences in this community have inspired me to make some hard and important choices. Although I haven’t been able to attend all the meetings, my experience with CG thus far has been rich. You have built a dynamic international platform that offers the complementary elements of safety, respect, time to directly interact, professional facilitation, coaching, psycho-education, and so much more! It’s lovely for me to experience your creation and to witness the joy that you and others are experiencing here, as well. Here’s to synergy! – JC, age 48
The solo sex class was extremely liberating and inspiring. Thanks again! – Neely, age 30
I am sooo enjoying all of this Academy. I have been listening to the audios and the meditations are also so great. I got the Conflict audio...that was so helpful as well. Love the SCORE! I have been taking notes. THANK YOU RUTH!!!! This has been more than a gift to me...I am a newbie at 53 so yes...I NEED!!! – Jean, age 53
I’m loving the Academy, having beautiful conversations and anticipating good friendships at the very least! It’s helping me feel a new spark and optimism at this point in my life. – Amelie, age 64
The Academy is such a gift to me. It’s a wonderful community of lesbians to talk to and interact with! It’s invaluable to me. I’m still working on being the right partner (as well as finding her) and I can see myself wanting to go through the course materials again and again. – Beth, age 61
I’m feeling encouraged by attending the Academy! In the past, I have felt panicky when a match reached out to me on a dating site. I was afraid she wouldn’t find me attractive in person, or I might be clumsy in bed. Now the Academy is helping me build confidence in other ways to develop the connection first. – Inbal, age 42
As a new member, I wanted to share how much I enjoyed participating in the recent Connection Group and also the Skills Class! I can’t wait to watch the recording of the class because there was so much information in it. Thanks so much for making this available to our community. – Colleen, age 53
I really enjoyed meeting women in the “Call in Your Soulmate” Academy connection group. It was awesome, a real confidence booster that lasted throughout my day and created a shift in me. I loved receiving the self-worth affirmation from the other women, and I love that you have created this beautiful forum. I am getting practice meeting women and sharing myself. I am excited and look forward to more group meetings. Also, I have already exchanged numbers with two women! The “From Conflict to Connection” class was also excellent. – Sally, age 62
Thanks for always being there Ruth, you're a major difference maker and it's awesome. Fantastic idea on the Academy. Really happy to be a part of it! – Carla, age 36
Thank you for creating such a powerful and loving community. I'm very much enjoying the Academy offerings. See you online again soon. – Eliza, age 41
I am loving every minute of the 12-Week Course, the Attachment Intensive, and now the Virtual Academy!!! I literally yelled, "thank you, god, for Ruth!" You totally rock. I am so blessed to have known of you and your work at this crucial point in my life. It has got to be divine intervention. Of that I have no doubts. So freaking excited!!! – Liz, age 60
I just wanted to thank you for putting together this wonderful Academy experience for us. It is definitely helping me feel more connected with other women, as a late-in-life, fairly recent discoverer of what I think of as my sexual fluidity. – Jill, age 44
Wow! Today’s Academy group was wonderful! The visualizations we did today were very empowering for me. I have been through a lot in my life, especially the past few years, and not only survived, but gotten stronger, wiser and more in my heart. Amazing! It was just what I needed, Ruth! Also, a few nights ago I had gotten very triggered and then got to share about it with two other participants, and got supported with such love and kindness. It was quite healing. – Joy, age 61
Your class on Solo Sexual Enlivenment was very freeing, yes edgy, but you have a way of breaking the ice, and giving permission really resonates with me. I think that permission is really what I’ve needed for so long to let go (of unhealthy people and patterns), and to be my queer self. – Jill, age 30
GREAT session yesterday! Addressed my problems (initiating, asking someone for her contact info, etc.) right to the core. – Liz, age 65
I’m learning so much, and it’s a great group of women. Thank you for facilitating and navigating everything so skillfully. I’m really glad to be part of the community! – Terry, age 44
Your loving boundaries class helped me very much, since I come from a codependent home. I think I am more able to have boundaries with friends now. I made a request of a friend recently that when she was too busy to text, she at least would text me the words “Rain Check.” She received it well, and thanked me for being patient. – Darise, age 31
What a brilliant idea during these quarantine times to connect women who love women virtually via the Conscious Girlfriend Academy! Talk about taking lemons and making lemonade! Bravo to you. As you know, I am a huge fan of your work, especially after taking the 12-week roadmap class and applying the tools you gave me to attract and maintain an amazing relationship with the love of my life, Katherine. We will celebrate two years of knowing each other in June! – Deena, age 58
Your brilliance and community building talents keep shining, and I'm humbled to be a part of the academy. – Sarah, age 65
Ruth, I cannot tell you how grateful I am for Conscious Girlfriend. My attraction to women was known to me for a long time, but I never acted on it. Then here I was, at this stage of my life, in a relationship with a woman; much of it was wonderful, but it sadly crashed and burned after 2 years. I was heartbroken and overwhelmed. I only knew that I didn’t want to go back to a life without love, and I want to have that with a woman. Conscious Girlfriend gives me hope that I can be ready to have a healthy relationship and hopefully find the right woman who wants the same thing. You’re a blessing! – Jennifer, age 61
I've invited Dr. Ruth Schwartz of Conscious Girlfriend back for an encore since her first session with us was so FANTASTIC! I think many of us are longing for frank and open discussion about dating, love, boundaries, sensuality and SEX! – Jody Potiker, Lesbian Event Organizer (“So Many Women, So Little Time”)
Your work in Conscious Girlfriend… is truly encouraging and spirit filled in its infinite wisdom. I am so very glad to have been led to this place. My connection with your writing and with this group is a life-saving blessing for me. Thank you for following your heart and courageously allowing yourself to be used to create a better world for us all. – Dorothy, age 69
First and foremost, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think what you are doing for women is amazing… The information you offer is so needed and so different from anything I have seen elsewhere!! – Dela, age 39
I often send clients to Conscious Girlfriend and have seen it transform women's lives. CG is providing an incredibly valuable service to women who love women. It's run with integrity and heart and provides comprehensive information in a usable format. There's nothing else like it out there. – Julie Bjelland, LMFT
Ruth offered the mentorship I needed… to work through some of my personal and interpersonal challenges. If you're looking to grow your relationship with yourself, your partner, and even your business, Ruth has the tools and presence to guide you! – Jodi McLaren, Songwriter & Queer Love Coach,
I have been moving forward with the course materials at a slightly more relaxed pace thanks to meeting biweekly with a buddy from the Roadmap. We have just finished week 8, since we backtracked a bit. So much comes up in having these conversations, which mostly consist of things I have never said out loud or heard other women speak about out loud. This past weekend, I had a triggering and hurtful occurrence with my family, and I was able to use SCORE to un-trigger and respond with peace and the ability to access more of my totality. I had a great conversation with my Dad later that day, filled with curiosity and laughter. I will talk with my Mom later this week and that will be more challenging, but I’m hopeful. … I think the answer lies somewhere between boundaries and acceptance, but there is a lot more freedom when I can take responsibility solely for my own emotions and access/open to the wisdom weaving through the shades of gray instead of being threatened by its vastness. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this course. The other day, I used all my skills and had an incredibly healthy conversation with my ex! I’m still sad about what happened between us but am overjoyed to have new ways to talk with her now. – Anna, age 60
I have turned a corner of such magnitude that I can almost not believe it. I’m more self-aware, able to step back and ask questions like Is it true? What would I feel if I didn’t have that thought? I’m able to be aware of getting stuck in the story, which I have found really sets me free, to let go of it. I’m so much happier as a result. It also, I have found, allows me to let others be themselves, without judgement of them or me. It just is. So that’s me at this point. – Kristine, age 48
There’s been something so special about this group and the depth we’ve gone to. I’m really grateful. It’s given me the courage to be authentic and stand up for what I value, and what I believe is possible in love. – Nidia, age 39
I’m in a new relationship, and my girlfriend and I have gone through all the Roadmap materials together! I feel conscious, and I’m in a relationship with someone conscious. We are meeting each other, body, mind and spirit. I truly didn’t know I would get to have this. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self, “You’ll meet your true beloved when you’re 53!” – Emma, age 53
I’ve walked around in the past feeling like I was too much for people. Now I feel at home in myself, and at home with my new partner. I have the resources and skills to move forward with her, and to allow her to love me, all the parts of me. I want to tell other women: Don’t compromise! The love you want is possible! But you really do have to be the right partner before you can find her. – Sylvia, age 45
I want to express my deep gratitude for your leadership. This course has enriched my life tremendously, and made me feel normal even though I’m single 😊 I’ve taken it twice now because I tended to give myself away. It has been important for me to get to know myself in this way. – Rhea, age 60
For the first time in my life, I think I understand what a healthy relationship is. No words can describe how grateful I am. It’s really emotional for me because I’ve been through a very difficult relationship. Now I feel less alone, and more hopeful. – Cindy, age 62
I loved the Conscious Girlfriend Roadmap program…I was one of those women over 40 that wondered if finding the right woman at this age was even possible. I can now happily report that using the tools and techniques in their workshop really helped me find the relationship of my dreams. Every day I share my life with this amazing woman who feels like just the right match. – Lucy, age 47
It was quite a process for me to get to the point of believing I deserved healthy love. Now I’ve met a wonderful woman and there’s a lot of compatibility. And there’s a lot of scary stuff in a new relationship, so I’m glad to have the Roadmap to help me navigate it. – Joanne, age 59
Thank you again so much for the Roadmap course! As I told you, it has been truly life-changing, and you can quote me on that! I have rarely met a more kind and loving person than you. Helping me to move from such a stuck place into hope and optimism was a huge task! Your wisdom and experience served me well. I feel blessed that you are in my life. – Kinna, age 64
I feel such heartfelt gratitude! This course has been such a journey into my deep self. The techniques and methods are so helpful. I gained self-confidence and saw that I had stopped listening to my own instincts. Now I know better how to practice self-compassion, but not self-efface or shut myself up. I can stay connected to myself while out on dates, and assess someone while dialogizing with her. – Nina, age 65
Thank you for creating this holistic approach. It has really moved, supported and encouraged me. I don’t have words for how deeply grateful I am. There has been an incredible healing in my relationship with myself. – Dori, age 46
This course has been so valuable for me and has shifted so much for me! I’m amazed how far it has taken me. Now it makes sense to me why things didn’t work, how I was in my own way, and what I can do differently… That helps me finally shift my focus on getting back with my ex. I really believe now that I can have what I want. It’s very eye-opening and incredible to know I’m worthy of that. – Kathy, age 62
I am greatly impressed by the values that are espoused in your program. Too often in the gay and lesbian world everything seems geared to physical sexuality and sexual roles. Basic human character values, personal and professional relationships, along with spiritual growth are not often the focus. Because I am gay does not diminish my humanity and desire to be complete as such. – Faye, age 70
Just wanted to tell you that the sessions I have had with you have helped me immensely!! I feel freer and more alive! Thank you ever so much!! – Tara, age 68
Conscious Girlfriend's Roadmap class is thoughtful, comprehensive and effective. I would highly recommend it to any lesbian or queer woman who wants to get over a breakup, start dating again, and form a healthy relationship. This information is so needed in the lesbian community! – Julie Bjelland, MFT
As a single, lesbian psychotherapist, I was interested in the concept of what conscious dating could mean. I loved the Conscious Girlfriend Roadmap program and got so much out of it, both personally and professionally. It covers everything you need to find yourself, work on recognizing and changing past toxic relationship patterns, healing old wounding, learning techniques to manage emotions, and communicate in much healthier ways. - Anonymous
One of the valuable pieces I took away personally was to really zone in on being clear with myself about what I was looking for in a partner for this second half of my life. I think as women, we are often taught to put a mask on and try to be what we think someone wants us to be, but that doesn’t work for long-term happiness. We need to be ourselves completely and find a match that loves US as we truly are. I used the material from the course when I went to create an online dating profile and I used the lens they taught me for screening women, and it was not long before I found my masterpiece. I am the happiest I have ever been in my life, and I thank Conscious Girlfriend for helping guide me to my treasure. – Lucy, age 47
It no longer feels okay to me to give more than the other person. I won’t compromise on respect. This is the start of something I’ve really wanted and needed for a very long time. Having like-minded people is what has kept me strong and true. My heart feels stronger from the coaching calls. – Denia, age 46
I received so much from everyone! The course has pushed me in the ways I wanted it to. It has held me accountable. And I’ve learned so much about myself in a short period of time, really thinking in detail about the kind of woman who’d be good for me, and what I need. – Sarah, age 36
The good news is that I am seeing a wonderful woman and very happy to be figuring out our way. I (and my friends) give a lot of credit to the Conscious Girlfriend work in helping me to reach out to find love/partnership. – Ursula, age 68
I realize now that ultimately, all my problems in romantic relationships were issues in my relationship to myself. I did love and adore those women, but I wasn’t truly in relationship with them, because I was so defended and afraid to be vulnerable. I can see I didn’t fully share myself. I’m very grateful for this class, and now I’m excited about the future. I don’t feel so scared anymore. If I do meet someone I’m interested in, I can find a way to let her know. I feel so much more confident! – Kiana, age 66
I’m in high growth mode from this course! I learned so much about slowing down. My wish list is longer. I’m slowing down, meeting people but not overly concerned with dating. – Jean, age 60
I’ve learned so much about how to slow down the initial connection process when I meet a new person – how not to put stock in my fantasies. As Adrienne Rich put it, “This time I choose to love with all my intelligence.” This course has taught me how to do that. – Bernice, age 39
Now I can trust my intuition again because I can feel what I’m feeling. This means I’m moving in the right direction! – Ulla, age 28
My takeaways have been far deeper than I had thought. I thought I understood and practiced self-care and compassion, and was a good communicator. Now I realize I wasn’t giving others an opportunity to communicate because I wasn’t actually communicating with them! I’ve been practicing being with others differently, using the tools in every relationship. It’s been empowering! I will never again settle for a girlfriend incapable of patience and compassion. – Cianne, age 55
I feel a sense of peace and gratefulness that I was given that gift of self-awareness and the space in those emotional storms to define what I needed in my own healthy relationships of all forms… The best news is that I now have a girlfriend! And another very close friend. I am in a good place… Before, I was really starving for the type of connections I have now. – Nori, age 22
I am so grateful that you have given me this space to "console" my inner child and give me reassurance in other possibilities… I also wanted to share how deeply grateful I am of your acceptance of me in this phase of who I am. I have shared some of the tools with my family too, and It is a blessing when I hear my mom and sister say that they are "giving themselves compassion," something that they never thought to do! I am thankful that my spirit guides or fate led me to you. I am keeping your words with me also -- step by step. – Lisa, age 26
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